Conference Programme

Explore our 5-day conference programme, featuring open and closed conference sessions, side events and social events including a gala dinner and GPA awards night.


Speakers to be announced shortly, times may be subject to change. 

Day 1
Mon, 28 October
Day 2
Tue, 29 October
Day 3
Wed, 30 October
Day 4
Thu, 31 October
Day 5
Fri, 01 November

Open Session Programme

12.00pm - 5.00pm - Side Events
6.00pm - 9.00pm - Welcome Reception
12:00 pm

Afternoon Side Events & Meetings

Details to be confirmed and released in due course
5:00 pm

Close of Afternoon Side Events & Meetings

Details to be confirmed and released in due course
6:00 pm

Welcome Reception

Welcome Reception and Drinks at The Maritime Museum, St Helier
9:00 pm

Event Close

Open Session Programme

8.00am - 5.30pm - Open Session Programme
6.00pm - 9.30pm - Side Events
8:00 am

Registration Open

Attendees to register for the conference and collect welcome packs
9:00 am

Conference Welcome Energiser

9:10 am

Opening Remarks and Welcome from Jersey Information Commissioner

Paul Vane, Information Commissioner, Jersey
9:15 am

Opening Address and Welcome

Address from the Government of Jersey Minister for Sustainable Economic Development, Deputy Kirsten Morel
9:20 am

Session 1 : Innovation - KEYNOTE PRESENTATION

"The future of Privacy Regulation: How will Data Protection Authorities need to adapt over the next 30 years? Are we equipped to regulate AI?"
Nikolas Badminton FRSA
Chief Futurist at
9:40 am

Session 1 : Innovation - FIRESIDE CHAT

This session will look at the impact of AI and address questions such as, “How do we change our mindset to deal with advanced analytics? What part do ethics play in adjusting that mindset? How will our fundamental human rights be affected? Does AI compliment Data Protection or is it in conflict? Do we have a vision of how to be regulators of analytics in an emerging world?"
Boniface de Champris
Senior Policy Manager, Computer & Communications Industry Association
Teki Akuetteh
Senior Partner, Nsiah Akuetteh & Co.; Founder & Executive Director Africa Digital Rights’ Hub LBG
Miriam Wimmer
Director of the National Data Protection Authority of Brazil (ANPD)
10:25 am

Refreshment & Networking break

Duration - 30 minutes
10:55 am

Session 2 : Individual - KEYNOTE PRESENTATION

"Who Cares About One Person? How Elevating the Individual Elevates all Humanity.’"
Douglas Kruger
Bestselling Author and Hall of Fame Speaker
11:15 am

Session 2 : Individual - PANEL DISCUSSION

The importance of hearing the voices of our next generation cannot be underestimated. In this session we will hear from a group of young people who form part of Jersey’s Youth Assembly. They will be discussing "The Privacy Debate: What the Next Generation Think - Defining Privacy Harms: Perspectives on cyber bullying, facial recognition and what privacy means for future generations."
12:15 pm


Data Protection and Mental Health - How do we protect society's most vulnerable? The role of the individual vs. the role of society in health data sharing.
Davida Blackmore
Principal (AdvocateDVB) and Chairman of the Mental Health Review Tribunal (Jersey)
12:15 pm


"Defining Privacy Harms in a Modern World“. Following on from this morning’s youth panel, this session will attempt to understand the concept of ‘harm’ in a digital age.
Bojana Bellamy
President, CIPL
Andy Phippen
Professor of IT Ethics and Digital Rights
Emily Keaney
Deputy Commissioner, Regulatory Policy, UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
Anu Talus
Chair, European Data Protection Board (EDPB)
12:00 pm

Session 3 : Independence - KEYNOTE PRESENTATION

"How Technology Will Impact the Regulator: What does our future as digital regulators look like?"
12:20 pm

Session 3 : Independence - PANEL DISCUSSION

With regulation increasing in different spheres, this session will look at "Regulatory Cousins - How do regulators tackle the challenge of overlapping policy domains? How do we handle the push-backs from commercial organisations who play one regulator against another? Is there too much regulation, and is it compatible?"
J. Trevor Hughes
President and CEO of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP)
Professor Christopher Hodges OBE
Chair, Regulatory Horizons Council; Emeritus Professor of Justice Systems, Oxford University
Noriswadi Ismail
Senior Director - Data Privacy, Policy & Regulation, GSMA
1:00 pm

Buffet Lunch Service

Duration - 60 minutes
2:00 pm


2:05 pm

Session 4 : International - CATWALK DEBATE

"The Advantages and Challenges of Global Cross Border Privacy Rules“. Your chance to participate in an exciting debate around the value of Global Cross Boarder Privacy Rules.
2:45 pm

Session 4 : International - PANEL DISCUSSION

Jersey is a world-renowned international finance centre. The rules around international transfers of data can prove costly and burdensome to industry, with most financial services businesses wanting much simpler enablers to do business. This panel will examine "International Transfers in the context of Financial Services - What is the direction of travel? What does the future look like for data transfer mechanisms?"
3:30 pm

Refreshment & Networking break

Duration - 30 minutes
4:00 pm

Session 5 : Intercultural & Indigenous - KEYNOTE PRESENTATION

"The Role of Data Privacy in Humanitarian Crises".
Massimo Marelli
Head of Data Protection Office, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
4:20 pm

Session 5 : Intercultural & Indigenous - PANEL DISCUSSION

Whilst the Western world appears to be developing data protection laws on the General Data Protection Regulation model, this is not a model that necessarily works globally. This panel will explore "How do Indigenous Communities Develop their own Data Protection Frameworks?” and will assess the potential harms from an intercultural and indigenous perspective.
Malcolm Crompton
Founder and Partner, IIS Partners
Immaculate Kassait, MBS
Data Commissioner, Kenya / 1st Vicechair, Network of African Data Protection Authorities (NADPA)
Shana Morgan
Global Head of Privacy & AI Legal Compliance, L3Harris Technologies
5:15 pm

Reflections on Day 2

Hosted by MC, Richard Purcell
6:00 pm

Side Events

Details to be confirmed in due course
9:30 pm

Side Events Close

Open Session Programme, Side Events and Gala Dinner

8.00am - 1.30pm Open Session Programme
2.30pm - 5.00pm Side Events
6.00pm - 11.30pm Gala Dinner
8:00 am

Delegate Arrival

Coffee and Refreshments
8:30 am

Welcome Energiser

8:35 am

Summary of Day 2

Hosted by MC, Richard Purcell.
8:45 am

Session 6 : Individual - KEYNOTE PRESENTATION

"Reducing Inequalities in Privacy Rights: Exploring the different privacy dimensions of diversity."
9:05 am

Session 6 : Individual - PANEL DISCUSSION

Education from the ground up: The societal impact of privacy education.
9:50 am

Session 6 : Individual - PANEL DISCUSSION

With regulation increasing in different spheres, this session will look at “Accessible Privacy: Protecting the disabled, vulnerable and socially marginalised in a digitised world.“
John Edwards
UK Information Commissioner
Carly Kind
Privacy Commissioner, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Alexander White
Privacy Commissioner (Bermuda) and GPA ExCo Member
Beatriz Anchorena
AAIP Argentina Director
10:35 am

Refreshment & Networking break

Duration - 30 minutes
11:05 am

Session 7 : Integrity - PANEL DISCUSSION

"Creating trust through Data Trusts”.  In 2023, Jersey was the first jurisdiction to establish a legally constituted data trust, LifeCycle. Hear all about how it happened and the lessons learned, as well as what is happening in the wider world for data stewardship.
Dame Wendy Hall
Regius Professor of Computer Science, University of Southampton
11:50 am

Session 7 : Integrity - PANEL DISCUSSION

"The Importance of Privacy in Connected Cars". As vehicles become increasingly integrated with digital technologies, connected cars are transforming the driving experience. However, connected cars brings forth significant privacy concerns. This panel will delve into the critical importance of privacy in connected cars, exploring the types of data collected, managing risks, and the implications for drivers and passengers. Experts from the automotive industry, cybersecurity, and academia will discuss best practices for safeguarding personal information and the balance between innovation and privacy. Attendees will gain insights into the current landscape, emerging threats, and strategies to ensure that the benefits of connected cars do not come at the expense of privacy.
12:30 pm

Session 8 : Information - CATWALK DEBATE

Another chance to make an informed decision on a long-standing issue: "Data Minimisation: A true guidance point, or a relic?"
Jules Polonetsky
Chief Executive Officer, Future of Privacy Forum
12:30 pm


Data sharing between Government and Third Sector.
12:30 pm


The Benefits & Drawbacks of RegTech - Are they just privacy washing?
Dr. Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna
Vice-President for Global Privacy, Future of Privacy Forum
1:00 pm

Session 8 : Information - KEYNOTE PRESENTATION

Details to be confirmed and released in due course
1:25 pm


From Paul Vane, Information Commissioner, Jersey
1:30 pm


Take away format
2:30 pm

Afternoon Side Events & Meetings

Details to be confirmed and released in due course
5:00 pm

Close of Afternoon Side Events & Meetings

Details to be confirmed and released in due course
5:30 pm

Transport from St Helier to Gala Dinner

6:00 pm

Welcome Drinks, Gala Dinner and Global Privacy Assembly Awards Ceremony

Royal Jersey Showground, Trinity
11:30 pm

Transport to St Helier

Transport from Royal Jersey Showground, Trinity to St Helier

Closed Session Programme

9.00am - 5.30pm Closed Session Programme
6.00pm - 9.00pm Side Events
*The Closed Session can be attended by accredited members and observers of the Global Privacy Assembly, only.

Closed Session Programme

9.00am - 1.30pm Closed Session Programme
*The Closed Session can be attended by accredited members and observers of the Global Privacy Assembly, only.

*Speakers to be announced shortly, times may be subject to change. 

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